Памятник "Великому стоянию на реке Угре в 1480 г."

Как добраться. Транспорт

Памятник находится у трассы М3 Москва – Киев чуть к югу от Калуги, возле моста через реку Угра. Проехать из Калуги к памятнику можно на любом пригородном автобусе, следующем из Калуги в сторону Брянска (до Сухиничей, Бабынино, Мещовска и др.).

Описание (английский)

Monument to The Great stand on the Ugra river

The Great Stand on the Ugra river was a standoff between the forces of Akhmat, Khan of the Great Horde, and the Grand Prince Ivan III of Muscovy in 1480, which ended when the Tatars departed without conflict. It is seen in Russian historiography as the end of Tatar rule over Moscow.
On January 6, 1481, Akhmat Khan was killed in a clash with the Nogais under Ibak Khan, a princeling from the Khanate of Sibir. In 1502, Crimea destroyed the Great Horde as an organization thereby removing the buffer between Russia and Crimea and leading to a series of Russo-Crimean wars that lasted until 1784.
In nationalist history, the Ugra Standoff is taken as the end of the so-called "Tatar Yoke". Modern writers are more skeptical and see it as an important landmark in the gradual expansion of Russia and the gradual decline of the Mongol empire.
Perhaps the most important result of the Russo-Crimean alliance was its effect on Lithuania. In 1480-1515, Muscovy (Russia) expanded out of its Oka-Volga cradle west to Smolensk and southwest across the Ugra and down the west side of the Oka as far as Novgorod-Seversky.

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