Музей-заповедник Томская писаница

Как добраться. Транспорт

Сюда можно добраться на рейсовых автобусах, следующих в направлении города Яшкино, деревни Пача, поселка Колмагорово. Автобусы с Кемеровского автовокзала ходят с 8.40 до 19.10 ежедневно, с интервалом в полтора часа.
Если ехать на машине, нужно миновать центральный мост через реку Томь (по Кузнецкому проспекту), затем добраться в Кировский район, откуда единственная загородная трасса уходит в направлении Томской писаницы.

Описание (английский)

The Tomskaya Pisanitsa Museum is an open-air museum located some 50 km north-west of Kemerovo on the right bank of the Tom River in Western Siberia, Russia. It is famous for its 280 petroglyphs dating from 4000–1000 BC. The exhibition also includes reconstructions of ancient dwellings as well as some later cultural artefacts pertaining to the Shors people.
Tomskaya pisanitsa is situated on the right bank of the river Tom. Here the nature has created a unique place — smooth vertical stones and a small platform before them, a kind of scene. Ancient people could not but use this gift of nature. They have transformed this place into a sanctuary where they came to pray to the Gods, to ask them for successful hunting. The lead character of Tom's Rock Art is beautiful elk. Elks were not only objects of prey, they turned into objects of worship, into concentration of vital forces and power. About hundred figures of these animals are knocked out on the Tomskaya pisanitsa. Also we can see drawings of others representatives of fauna: bears, the fox, the wolf, birds. Many anthropomorphous images are on the Tomskaya Pisanitsa.
These are schematic drawings of people, often wearing animal masks. Among the images solar signs are knocked out. The majority of the images of the Tomskaya pisanitsa date from the aeneolithic period and Bronze Age, 3rd and 2nd millennia BC. Drawings of boats and fantastic animals attract special interest. Many peoples of the world associate a boat with the idea of their relative's voyage down "the river of the dead", i.e. to the next world. As a whole the basic idea of the sanctuary is the idea of fertility. The sanctuary served people during several millenniums. And today interest in this memorial has not weakened. Thousands of tourists come here to get acquainted with creativity of our remote ancestors.

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