Уссурийский заповедник

Как добраться. Транспорт

Ближайшие населённые пункты — сёла Каймановка и Каменушка Уссурийского городского округа. На территории заповедника находится бывшее село Комарово-Заповедное. Расстояние до Уссурийска (от нежилого села Комарово-Заповедное) около 46 км (через Глуховку).Доехать до заповедника можно на рейсовом автобусе от города Уссурийска до села Каймановка, а далее по заповеднику - на машине или пешком.

Описание (английский)

Ussurisky Nature Reserve is a Russian 'zapovednik' (strict nature reserve) that protects one of the remaining virgin mixed deciduous-conifer forests in the Primorsky (Maritime) region of the Russian Far East. The mountainous terrain is located on a southern spur of the Sikhote-Alin Mountains, in the upper reaches of the Komarovka River, about 50 km northeast of the city of Vladivostok. The reserve is named after Vladimir L. Komarov, an important early botanist and early explorer of the Primorsky region. The Ussursisky Reserve is situated in the Shkotovsky District of Primorsky Krai.
Because the reserve has been built up over time since its creation in 1932, some of the sectors have had long term protection, while others have experience commercial logging. This allows scientists to track the differing recovery processes of the forest ecosystems. The core, oldest protected area is about 16,000 hectares, about one-third of the territory. The main tree species are cedar-broadleaf species such as Manchurian ash and Japanese elm in the lowlands, Korean pine and broadleaf forests in the middle elevations.
The animal life of the reserve is notable for being almost entirely upland forest, unlike the other southern Sikhote-Alin reserves, such as Lazovsky Nature Reserve to the east, which are close to the coast and have animals of slow moving river valleys and meadows. There are no elk, ermine or wolverine, for example. Characteristics mammals are mice, voles, musk deer, and in general residents of the Manchurian animal communities. The reserve operates a rehabilitation center for orphaned bear cubs, teaching them to live in the wild. There are also a few Siberian tigers in the area.
The reserve, along with Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve, is featured in the natural film Operation Snow Tiger by the BBC, first aired in 2013.